Thursday, January 20, 2011

Little Albert

1) Did the results of Watson and Rayner's experiment support their hypothesis?
    no because Albert's response were not those of responses of conditioned behavior.

2) How did albert's responses become generalized?
  he reacted to all or most furry white animals.

3) how were the principles of classical conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits?
 they were used by conditioning him to be rewarded instead to fear  when presented by rabbits.

"Beautiful Mind"

Maladaptive- Mr. Nash is maladaptive is because he can't adapt to a life of teaching. he constantly skipped his class to work on his "top secret" work
a typical- he is a typical because he thinks and talks differently then everyone else. he told his class that they wold not be able to solve the problem he put on the board, showing that he thinks differently, thinks more mathematically.
unjustifiable- he can't explain why he works all hours of the night or what he is doing, its unjustifiable. he explain to Alicia that he can't explain his work when at the park.
disturbing- people around him found him disturbing when he was he talking to the secret agent man at the collage, so much they had to move out of his way.


In one dream their was cannibalism, a cruise ship, bicyle, and a swamp. Cannibalislm represents sapping emotional and pyshical strengh.  The crusie ship represents high sprits, and the bicyle represents being cofused and unsteady. The swamp shows underlying negitive feeling. The other dreams had a waterslide and a jungle, the other an octopus and a sword.  The waterslide means to be carried away by your emotions and the jungle means to have chaos and unpridictableness in life. the octopus means to be entangled in a difficult part of your life, when the sword represents strength.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

role playing

My behaviors have changed when i have to take charge in a group because no one esle is doing anything esle. I think the garuds surprised me the most because they were normal guys that weren't mean to anyone and because their were the garuds they turned mean. role playing changes people behaviors because people have certain sterotypes about how people act so the change theirs to match. Give people power and they abuse that power just like the garuds.


the episode of twlight zone did not surprise mainly because i watch alot of shows like that and noticed that you didn't get to see anyones face until farther in to the show. beauty is subjective to the person who is jugdung it therefore it changes from person to person. the question of what is beautifuyl at kimberly Wisconsin, according to me, is too personal of a question for me to talk about.


what we talked about in class has not opened my eyes. i have been bullyed so no it did not open my eyes. i think there is an accecptable amount of teaseing between friends but other then that no. the thing about being a bystander is that most of the time you don't know if their frinds just havin an arguement. them same with teasing you don't know who friends are who so you can't aways know when you should interfere with anything. KHS is, from what i can tell, doing what it should. i could change a few things as i have already and i will stop being a bystander.

Friday, November 12, 2010

personality test

<a href=";cR=0.528&amp;eR=0.312&amp;aR=0.639&amp;nR=0.438">I'm a O20-C35-E12-A44-N32 Big Five!!</a>

Openness to Experience/Intellect
         You are somewhat conventional.     (Your percentile: 20)
        You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.     (Your percentile: 35)
        You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.     (Your percentile: 12)
        You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.     (Your percentile: 44)
        You are generally relaxed.     (Your percentile: 32)