Friday, September 24, 2010

mad man blog #3

This man walter freeman is a mad man. His intentions may have been well intend (in the begaining) but he is still a mad man. Shock therpy and overdose of inslin and other methods are very cruel. He himself may not have done those but he learned from them that those types of methods to "perfect" his lobemny. Leaving his family behind to study the brain's of the dead mental paitants to find that fix the frontal lobe by surgey is wroung. Doing more then one surgey on a pataint or have them conscious and asking them questions. The surgey wasn't even cure but a more like a reset button, having to relearn how be a person with basic motor skills. Performing surgey witout a surgical team is not right and very dangerous. Using tools like hammers and sitching  hands midsurgey is dangerous. Other doctors fainted or voimited which only encouged him. Messing with the brain and ingoring the side effects and spreadilng these ideas is the thinking of a mad man.. NO EXPERIMENTING ON CHILDERN!
 "The lobotomist" is the stroy of how a man that wanted fame and he got though his lobemny and cruel experiments that were allowed for a decade. The pills were better then destroy a brain of a paitants

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